Last Call: July 31, 2021
So, another month has come to an end proving once again, time flies and this year has gone by incredibly fast. I remember last year when we all could hardly wait for 2020 to end MORE
So, another month has come to an end proving once again, time flies and this year has gone by incredibly fast. I remember last year when we all could hardly wait for 2020 to end MORE
Says it’s in the Bible, Has to Do With the Mark of the Beast ! “This is an experimental vaccine that has aborted baby tissue in it. This right here, this is solid evidence we MORE
The US has officially entered into a new phase of the deadly Coronavirus, COVID-19. The latest increase in positive cases has hit every state but states with lower vaccination rates have been hit the hardest. MORE
The House Oversight and Reform Committee has obtained handwritten notes from former acting AG Richard Donoghue that indicated ex-president Donald Trump was pressuring the DOJ to say the 2020 election was corrupt, it was reported MORE
Nearly 630,000 Americans have died from the deadly Coronavirus, COVID-19 but it appears that’s not high enough to convince Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson that mandating the vaccine may be just what this country needs in MORE
U.S. House member Madison Cawthorn had his gun taken by airport police and will likely face a federal fine and loss of a special security status, local and federal officials said. The Republican congressman representing MORE
My Twitter feed has alerted me to plenty of sad news from the world of music recently. This week alone, Twitterverse counted three deaths in the rock and roll sphere. Two lesser knowns, Mike Howe, MORE
Former Alaska governor and failed vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told New Apostolic Reformation leader Ché Ahn last week that she would run for the U.S. Senate if God wants her to. Palin appeared with MORE
After several of years of trying to conceal from We the People his tax returns, the Department of Justice (DOJ)said Friday that the IRS must turn over The Former Guy’s (TFG) income tax returns to MORE
According to Sherbrooke police chief Danny McConnell, the body was initially believed to be a silicone dummy that had caught fire on the edge of a wooded area near a Cabana St. factory on the morning MORE
An internal presentation from the CDC dated Thursday reveals new details about how dangerous the delta variant is. The document shows the variant acts like almost like a different novel virus, as contagious as chicken MORE
“Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.” It’s an old cartoon, old history, but it’s also scarily reflective of our present. I keep thinking of the quote from baseball player Satchel Paige, “don’t MORE
Standing outside the Capitol, Bachmann claimed that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the riot, saying those who gathered that day for the “Stop the Steal” rally were peaceful Christians who came to pray. MORE
With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks. Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share MORE
A Catholic priest has been banned by a Winnipeg archdiocese from speaking publicly after accusing residential school survivors of lying about sexual abuse to get more money from court settlements, and after he joked about MORE
The Turkish government is not immune from a lawsuit brought by protesters suing strongman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s security detail for assaulting them on the streets of Washington, a federal appeals court has ruled. When Erdoğan MORE
Alabama Republican Mo Brooks says he was wearing body armor when he gave his speech at the Ellipse on January 6 after he was “warned” about risks on January 4 in the coming days. As MORE
The 8.2 magnitude earthquake that struck off Alaska’s coast Wednesday night was the strongest one since 1964, an official told CNN. The very strong quake was located about 56 miles (91 kilometers) east southeast of Perryville, MORE
After AG Billy Barr stepped down In late December 2020, The Former Guy (TFG) called acting AG Jeffrey Rosen almost everyday “to alert him to claims of voter fraud or alleged improper vote counts in the MORE
In their Facebook post, guitarist Billy Gibbons and drummer Frank Beard said Hill died in his sleep. They didn’t give a cause of death, but a July 21 post on the band’s website said Hill MORE
With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks. Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share MORE
A Trump-endorsed candidate lost Tuesday to a fellow Republican in a closely watched Texas congressional race, undermining Trump’s claims that his endorsement is essential to a candidate’s success and emboldening his political opponents ahead of the 2022 MORE
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The maker of the rifle used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has offered some of the victims’ families nearly $33 million to settle their lawsuit over how the company marketed the MORE
Following Tuesday’s emotional testimonies from four Capitol Police officers, Wing Nuts ramped up their hate and deplorable behavior. Below are videos, snippets, tweets, and headlines from Wing Nuts and their media outlets of choice on MORE
Geraldo Rivera unloaded a tirade against his co-hosts on Fox News’ The Five, calling the unvaccinated Americans “selfish, arrogant SOB’s.” Calling the vaccine “bulletproof against this damn disease,” Rivera began by saying how “appalled” he MORE