Busy, busy, busy-A Marathon week of Live Discussions

News Views Marathon Week of Live Discussions.

We have a very busy week ahead of us and hope you will all join in on the fun. The impeachment hearings continue and on Wednesday, News Views will host a Live Discussion on the Democratic presidential debate in Atlanta.

News Views Live Discussions on the Impeachment Hearings Schedule for November 19th-21st. We will begin each day’s hearing at 8:30 AM ET/5:30 AM PT.

Tuesday 11-19:

  • Alexander Vindman– (AM) First witness to testify who was on the line for Trump’s July 25 phone call with the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, which prompted the initial whistleblower complaint.
  • Jennifer Williams– (AM) Mike Pence’s special adviser on Europe and Russia. She was also on the July 25 call, but the House hasn’t released her opening statement or the transcript of her closed-door testimony on November 7.
  • Kurt Volker– (PM) Kurt Volker, the former special representative to Ukraine. Defended Trump. Said the Ukrainians “never communicated a belief [to him] that there was a quid pro quo” and that he doesn’t think they were immediately aware of the suspended aid “so there was no leverage implied.” His text messages say otherwise.
  • Tim Morrison– (PM) Also on the phone with Ukrainian president. Corroborate the central allegation that Sondland told a high-ranking Ukrainian official that the release of military aid was contingent on an investigation into the Bidens. Has a different recollection than Taylor about two details: who was asked to announce the investigation and where a conversation about it happened.

Wednesday 11-20:

  • Gordon Sondland– (AM) Ambassador to the European Union. He was on the call as well and testified. He has since changed his original testimony to Congress stating that after reading other witnesses’ accounts they “refreshed my recollection about conversations involving the suspension of U.S. aid.”
  • Laura Cooper– (PM) Deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, and is responsible for overseeing U.S. military aid to Ukraine.  Stated the funds “were held without explanation,” and that officials “began to raise concerns about how this could be done in a legal fashion.” 
  • David Hale– (PM) Undersecretary of state for political affairs.

And then after all of Wednesday’s impeachment hearings, News Views will host a Live Discussion on the Democratic presidential debate in Atlanta moderated by both MSNBC and The Washington Post.

The debate will be broadcast live at 9 PM ET/5 PM PT on MSNBC and will also stream for free on MSNBC.com and washingtonpost.com as well as across mobile devices via NBC News and The Washington Post’s mobile apps. In addition, audio of the debate will be available on SiriusXM Channel 118, and TuneIn.

***More details to follow. Please check back on Wednesday.


Thursday 11-21:

  • Fiona Hill-Senior director for Russia at the NSC. Attended the July 10 White House meeting cut short by Bolton. Her testimony supports Vindman’s account, which is that Sondland told the Ukrainians that Zelensky would only receive an invitation to visit the White House if the foreign country opened an investigation into Mr. Trump’s rivals.  

Schedule of the hearings and players provided by CBS:

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