Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Good morning, News Viewers, it’s Monday! And what could be worse than a Monday? Another Monday without dear Rachel to keep us grounded, connected to nature’s wonders. So I’m offering a pictorial to help keep MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, class, today at NV’s Thursday free chat session, we’re going to talk about rock and roll, the Hall of Fame, Rage Against the Machine, Frank Zappa, Prince, Tipper Gore, Ronaldo Ray-gun, censorship, and MORE

Broken Clock

McCarthy Now Supports Ukraine Aid

At a news conference in Jerusalem, a reporter who identified himself as Russian suggested that Kevin McCarthy personally didn’t “support the unlimited and uncontrolled supplies of weaponry and aid to Ukraine.” Despite loud MAGA opposition MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, ladies and germs… It’s a fine Thursday morning, and it’s time to get caffeinated for another day of analyzing the freaks and goons in our purview. Coffee Talk is a warm-up to more MORE


Disney Sues DeSantis

On Wednesday, Florida top gov’s specially appointed board overseeing services at Disney voted to nullify  two agreements that gave Disney vast control over expansion at the resort complex in Florida. Minutes later, Disney filed a lawsuit MORE