Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday, News Viewers, and welcome to Free Range, our environmentally focused open thread where the topics are wide ranging and the conversation free flowing. Our focus is the earth we inhabit, the space above MORE

Last Call

Last Call: December 11, 2021

Gooooood evening, News Viewers, and Happy Saturday Evening. So, is everyone kind of ready for the holidays? Except for my mom, I’m done shopping….easy peay, all online except for a few things that I picked MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 49

Happy Friday News Viewers on this the 49th week of 2021; this is today’s free chat where keyboard to keyboard we exchange thoughts, opinions, ideas, frustrations and solutions with each other. Any and all topics MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good morning, sleepy NewsViewers, I’m on my second cup and hoping for some Coffee Talk. This is the Thursday edition of free chat, where we welcome your off topic chit chat with bells on! If MORE

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News ‘Viewers, and welcome to Free Range, our Monday Free Chat with a focus on the planet and all things existing on, above and beneath the surface. Today we look ahead because frankly MORE


Last Call: December 4, 2021

Gooooood evening, News Viewers, and Happy Saturday Evening. It’s freaking cold outside…gloomy, damp, foggy, welcome to December cold. It was the kind of day that no matter how hard you tried, you weren’t going to MORE

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Good Thursday to you, NewsViewers! Coffee Talk is here to help you warm up for the day, literally and conversationally. It’s been a busy week full of news to discuss, but consider freely chatting it MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: November 30, 2021

Good morning, News Viewers and Happy Tuesday! This is your Tuesday thread to talk about anything you want within reason, of course! So, have had it. Have a great day and stay safe and healthy.

Free Range Free Chat

Free Range Free Chat

Happy Monday News Viewers, a Monday also known as “Cyber Monday”, another day to “buy things I don’t need with money I don’t have to impress people I don’t like. . .” as my Dad MORE

Free Chat Friday

Free Chat Friday, Week 47

Happy Friday News Viewers — Day after Thanksgiving, and today I’m thankful that Thanksgiving is over for another year. . . .We call this “Black Friday,” a day for shopping and deals; I’m reclaiming the MORE