Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: August 10, 2021

This is how August works for us: One of my son’s birthday One of my step-child’s b-days. A sister and brother in law’s b-days. Three of my step grand children’s b-days. OH….and Athena, (Baby Baby), MORE

Talk o Tuesday

Talko Tuesday: August 3, 2021

Petty Grievances: We all have them; might as well talk about them…here, not on threads that someone worked hard to put together only to see it get derailed with petty grievances. Personally, I believe that MORE

Last Call

Last Call: July 31, 2021

So, another month has come to an end proving once again, time flies and this year has gone by incredibly fast. I remember last year when we all could hardly wait for 2020 to end MORE