Last Call

Last Call: 3-28-20

219 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all financially devastated, starving, sick, or dead because of his narcissistic, selfish, incompetent ass. So…..having fun MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 21, 2020

226 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all financially devastated, starving, sick, or dead because of his narcissistic, selfish, incompetent ass. But, enough MORE

Last Call

Last Call: March 14, 2020

233 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass and his Cartel to the curb. (Wow! Was I not paying attention last week. I put up the number of Electoral College MORE


Last Call: March 7, 2020

270 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass and his Cartel to the curb. In all honesty, I’m over the primaries and hope, they’re pretty much over with in MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 2-29-20

Happy Leap Year Day! What a peaceful, relaxing Saturday with no demands, wants, or pestering from others. Only 247 days until we get our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb. I just MORE


Last Call-2/22/20

My DOG! can people get I’m so not into these people from bugging the hell out me, PLEASE???? Yeah, it’s been one of those days. But, one of those days have brought my family and MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 2-15-20

Good evening everyone! Hope all is well in your world. 1975-Linda Ronstadt finally breaks through when her album Heart Like a Wheel and single “You’re No Good” both hit #1 in America, establishing her as MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 2-8-20

What a week in news, huh? Now for a week in history. On this day in 1915, every racist and member of Cult 45’s favorite movie was released: I’m making this short and sweet tonight MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 2-1-20

2020 is officially one month old and the general election, the chance to kick Trump’s orange ass to the curb, is only 275 days away. After the Republican controlled Senate killed off Democracy as we MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 1-25-20

Good evening, members of Club Zero. Surfing around DisqusLand, it looks like several more people have lost their upvotes and others are losing what they still have at a fairly steady to rapid pace. So, MORE


Last Call: 1-18-20

Pull up a seat, pour a drink, pass around some snacks, and welcome to another night at Club Zero. I heard that allegedly Disqus is really, really, really addressing our missing upvotes and Low Rep MORE


Last Call: 1-11-20

Welcome to Club Zero! Yes, all of the lonely hearts with ZERO upvotes hang out at this cool place and commiserate about just how badly Disqus sucks, we lost all of our upvotes, and now MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 1-4-2020

Welcome to the first Last Call of the new year, 2020! Now that things have settled down some after the holidays, it’s back to business. A few Disqus bullshit issues that have yet to get MORE

Last Call

Last Call 12-28-19

Tonight is our last Last Call for both the year and decade. I hope the new year brings everyone good health, much happiness, and a new president. The wildest political moments of 2019: A look MORE

Last Call

Last Call 12-21-19

Happy Holidays, News Viewers, and Merry Impeachment! Yes, the Orange Ass is impeached and will wear that label for the rest of his miserable life. Our great grandchildren will learn that Donald J. Trump became MORE

Last Call

Last Call-12-14-19

Good evening, everyone. I really am going to make this short and sweet because busy, busy, busy, and ran out of time. As usual, thank you for your contributions; they’re really helping grow our website MORE

Last Call

Last Call-12-7-19

Good evening everyone! Just a quick thank you for all the recent community Submissions. I also want to apologize for a few delays we experienced in posting them. Please, keep them coming. Just make sure MORE


Last Call-11-30-19

It’s the last day of November. My, how time has flown by this year. I’ll make it short and sweet because I’ve been at the vet this afternoon getting my new kitten checked out. Someone MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 11-23-19

Good evening everyone! Day 1038 of the #WorstPresidentEver and it wasn’t one of his better weeks; that’s for sure. We heard a bunch of testimony that pretty much sums it up: Trump abused his power, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: 11-09-19

Good evening everyone! Day 1024 of the #WorstPresidentEver. We’re still standing but Trump’s getting impeached; unfortunately, not removed. We have some awesome energized bunnies out there submitting some good stuff; please keep it up. Today MORE

Last Call

Last Call-11-02-19

Day 1017 of the #WorstPresidentEver; we can just hope that he and his Cult go away and go away quickly. You guys are building an awesome community; we’re seeing some of our best days and MORE

Last Call

Last Call 10-26-19

Day 1010 of the Trump administration and we’re getting closer to full on, open to the public, impeachment hearings. We’ll definitely bring to you live the circus once it comes to town. Again, I want MORE

Last Call

Last Call 10-19-19

Day 1003 of the Trump administration and I sure hope it comes to an end soon. We’re still standing; unfortunately, some of our allies have seen better days, sad. Crimes against humanity? Right now, the MORE

Last Call

Last Call 10-12-19

Day 996 of the Trump administration and it looks inevitable the House will impeach him. Too bad there aren’t more Patriots in the Senate who would put our country over their party and remove him MORE

Last Call

Last Call 9-28-19

Day 982 of Trump administration and things are about to get real very quickly. As always, News Views thanks everyone for their participation and those awesome articles you submit. If we don’t get to them MORE