Last Call

Last Call: October 2, 2021

Happy October! Happy Autumn! Wait, not so fast….The calendar may say it’s October and autumn but the weather gods don’t necessarily agree. As with several weeks running, I will say it once again; I truly MORE


Last Call: September 25, 2021

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Last Saturday of September; they year has flown by! So, I’m sure many have you noticed that several websites that use Disqus as their commenting platform have been attacked MORE

Last Call

Last Call: September 11, 2021

Goooood evening, News Viewers. Sure hope all is well in your world and everyone is staying safe. Although today is a day of remembrance, for us, it’s also a day of celebration. It’s Mr. G’s MORE


Last Call: September 04, 2021

Happy September everyone….this year has flown by. I’m going to be short and sweet tonight because I’m going to a play; it’s a tribute to the late, great, Ms. Lady Day, Billie Holliday. So, pull MORE

Last Call

Last Call: August 28, 2021

Good evening and welcome from smokey, hot California, home of the GQP power grab to obtain the highest office in the state, governor. I won’t spend any time on this issue because it’s incredibly stupid. MORE


Last Call: August 22, 2021

Yes, I am a day late because fun stuff in real life took priority. So, we’re doing a Sunday morning breakfast or brunch, depending on your timezone. Feel free to talk about what’s on you MORE

Last Call

Last Call: August 14, 2021

So, I just wrote the date, double checked to make sure I had the correct date, then realized: Joe Biden’s still our president. So much for the bigly reinstatement of the Former Guy. Earlier today, MORE

Last Call

Last Call: July 31, 2021

So, another month has come to an end proving once again, time flies and this year has gone by incredibly fast. I remember last year when we all could hardly wait for 2020 to end MORE

Last Call

Last Call: July 24, 2021

Good evening, News Viewers! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods on this fine, but icky hot, Saturday evening. Not much going on in my world other than went car shopping with MORE

Last Call

Last Call: Heat be gone!

Happy Hot July 10! Let’s see: CA’s Death Valley spiked to 130 degrees today; but, it’s always hot there, so bad example. The rest of CA is just HOT AF and it’s getting annoying AF! MORE

Last Call

Last Call: Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July, everyone. Thank you all for promoting democracy, stamping out fascism, and being the real Patriots our wing nut brethren could never dream of ever truly being. Hope everyone enjoys the holiday MORE

Last Call

Last Call: June 26, 2021

Happy Saturday evening, News Viewers. Hope your weekend is going well and everyone is staying safe. As Pride Month comes to an end, let us remember what happened on June 26, 2013: The Supreme Court “struck MORE


Last Call: 06/12/21

Better late than never, we’ve had a very busy day. What my husband thought would be an easy job installing something for my mom turned into an all day project. So, pour yourself a beverage MORE


Last Call: The Final Countdown

No, not the song; the guy’s voice grated on my last nerve. I’m talking about THE FINAL COUNTDOWN until basketball season is done! Over! Finito! Now that the Warriors were eliminated last night, I don’t MORE